Report Details:
Price: |
Report Code |
: |
BREP043 |
For delivery in electronic format: Rs. 1000; For delivery through courier (within India): Rs. 1000 + Shipping & Handling Charges extraThemesBusiness Reports |
Report Length |
: |
28 Pages |
Period |
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2002 - 2006 |
Organization |
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Q-Cells AG,
Schott AG, BP Solar, and Shell Solar |
Pub Date |
: |
2007 |
Teaching Note |
: |
Not Available |
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Europe Region
(Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain) |
Industry |
: |
Solar Energy
(Renewable Energy) |
Executive Summary:
Europe has focused on the development of renewable energy sources so as to
decrease fossil fuel consumption and the dependence on fossil fuel imports. This
is also in line with Europe's greenhouse gas emission reduction targets as
specified in the Kyoto Protocol, to which Europe is a signatory. In Europe, the
demand for solar energy for power generation and heating has been on the rise as
capacity additions in the solar energy industry have continuously increased from
2002 to 2005. Some of the major factors that have influenced the demand for
solar energy include rising oil consumption in Europe, increased share of
imports in total oil consumed in Europe, and growing power consumption in
If fossil fuel is to be replaced with
renewable energy sources, the cost of generating renewable
energy should be comparable with that of generating conventional
power. Hence, Europe is developing technologies for producing
low cost solar cells. Renewable energy can also be used as a
decentralized source for providing power in remote locations. To
increase solar energy consumption in domestic electricity and
heating applications, Europe is promoting integration of solar
energy systems in constructions. This will help to decrease the
pollution resulting from conventional power generated for
domestic applications.
To support the generation of solar energy, Europe has introduced
feed-in tariff and the green energy certificate system, and is
conducting the sustainable energy campaign. A number of
financing schemes for the development of renewable energy
projects have also been introduced. In addition, at the country
level, a number of regulations providing subsidies and tax
rebates have been introduced. However, inconsistent federal
support remains an issue that can hamper investment in the
In Europe, a major source of solar energy is from the solar
cells installed in buildings for grid connected and off-grid
power supply and the development of solar energy parks. Europe
can also effectively utilize the desert areas for large-scale
generation of solar power. Research and development is also
being conducted to develop various methods to generate
electricity and fuel from solar power. Power generation
companies like BP Solar and leading financing companies such as
GE Energy Financial Services have invested in the development of
some of the world's largest solar parks in Europe.
Solar Energy , Europe, Regulatory Environment, Photovoltaic
Cell Production, Non-conventional Energy Sources, Kyoto Protocol, European
Renewables Directive, Patient Capital Initiative, Sustainable Energy Finance
Initiative, Fossil Fuel , Environment Management Pollution, Seed Capital Access
Facility, Feed-in Tariff, Green Energy Certificate System, Q-Cells AG, BP Solar
A Report on Solar Energy Industry in Europe
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